I attend Pentecostal Gospel Lighthouse In Derrider Louisiana. I Love my Church. It's full of unity and love and most of all Truth, anointing & Jesus. I am blessed where God has began planting me. I have grown more here, than I have anywhere else in my life. Church is essential to our Souls being saved. I don't ever take it for granted. I know this is where I belong and I will fight every demon of hell that comes against my church. People can talk about us being a cult all day long, but at the end of the day ain't seen no cult ever set anyone free from addictions, never seen a cult bring so much joy in the lives of myself and others around me. I am blessed with a Pastor that preaches the old paths and preaches it like it is. You cant put a price on the real anointing. Lots of churches and saints are compromising what is right and what is holy and pleasing to the Lord. I don't ever want to walk that line of "can I get by with this or that?"  This world has so much noise, but has never tried Jesus. They sit and judge loudly while their lives are in shambles. It's sad really because you miss out on the best and most real experience you will ever know in your life! An experience that will change EVERYTHING about you and your life, if you allow it too. If you're local, come see us. This is the friendliest, most loving church ever! They will love you in your sin, they will love you in your broken pieces, they will love you in the pew, they will love you back to life! Yes, the people do matter!  Click on the picture to view our church page on FB!